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Mayan Dream CD
The magic of Mayan Dream presents the essence and spirituality of the Maya. It was done with the understanding that our prayers would blend in harmony with all creation. Mayan Dream was created with Dik Darnell in two days, first take, no rehearsals, and was approved by the Mayan Counsel so that it could be shared with others, and was authenticated by the International Mayan League.

Mayan Dream is a medium that allows others a rare opportunity to learn about Mayan culture and spirituality from within. This album offers insight into other realms not yet understood by those outside the Mayan culture. Tze'ec brings us a message from his heart and from his people, which is refreshingly different from what the public might have read or assumed about this living, breathing culture.



$16.00 USD
plus shipping

Journey of the Jaguar CD
Alom Ahau Tze'ec Ba'lam celebrates his indigenous roots from Mexico in his latest musical release Journey of the Jaguar. In the year 2000, Tze'ec joined forces with David Nabinger and Gloria Kuhstos of Vision Entertainment Group to release the Quiche story of the first Mayans, Journey of the Jaguar.

The music tells the story of creation and explains the responsibilities we have here as human beings. This musical "Genesis" uses a blend of traditional Mayan chants and drum beats along with flutes and conch shells. Songs are performed in both English and Quiche Maya, and are complemented with quality sound production. Appearing on the album is multi-platinum award winner Mike Jackson, best known as musical director of Jodeci and soundtracks for movies such as Above the Rim.
  Download free mp3 from Journey of the Jaguar


$10.00 USD
Mayan birth date calculation
Send us your name, date and time of birth, and we will send you a personalized card with a printout of your name, Mayan birthdate, and unique interpretation.
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Coming soon . . .  
2006 Edition of the Tzol'kin Mayan Calendar
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