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Welcome to The Mayan Site!
Many people today may not realize it,
but the Mayan people are far from extinct! There are approximately
three million native speaking Maya walking the earth today. Their
amazing insights into science and spirituality have not been
lost. In fact, the sacred teachings of the Maya have been quietly
passed down from generation to generation, until a time when the world
would be ready to accept them.
That time is now.
Alom Ahau Tze'ec Ba'lam
Tze’ec (pronounced
T'zock) is an authentic Mayan Timekeeper of the Jaguar Clan who
can trace his lineage for thousands of years. Now that we are moving
through the final years of the Tzol'kin
Sacred Mayan Calendar, and are moving toward the dawn of a new
cycle, Tze’ec has been instructed by his teachers to bring forth the
knowledge of his people. . . more |
are the Maya?
The Maya are simple, humble people who respect the earth, its
creatures, and honor one divine Creator. Their ceremonies are formal
prayers to "God", whom they call T'zacol u Bitol, the Great Creator and
The Maya are a very cultured society and celebrate a calendar and
religion that has been in existence for over five thousand years. They
do not have wars within their own societies, and do not sacrifice
animals or people.

On this site, you can learn more about Mayan beliefs, view photos
of Mayan people, places, and artwork, hear
Mayan music, or schedule a seminar with Tze'ec.
We hope you enjoy your time here.
As the Maya say,
Xata Zac, Xata Amac.
(Only may there be peace in your presence.)